From Prenups to Alimony: Matrimonial Lawyers and the Financial Aspects of Divorce

  •   |   Meghan Freed

Updated November 27, 2023

Things can get complicated when it comes to the financial aspects of marriage dissolution.  This is where matrimonial lawyers step in, armed with their experience handling prenuptial agreements, alimony, property division, and various financial matters.  From protecting assets to negotiating a fair settlement, these legal professionals play a crucial role in guiding their clients through the financial intricacies of divorce.  In this article, we will explore the world of matrimonial lawyers and delve into the complexities of the financial considerations that arise during a divorce.  Please read on to understand matrimonial lawyers’ role in helping you structure your divorce to secure a financial future rooted in your goals.

The Role of Matrimonial Lawyers in Divorce Cases

Divorce has significant emotional, practical, legal, and financial implications.  Matrimonial lawyers help you navigate the complex world of divorce law, including the financial aspects.  These attorneys provide skilled guidance and support to people during a divorce or other family law matters.

One of the primary roles of matrimonial lawyers is to advocate for their client’s financial interests.  For example, Freed Marcroft’s team of matrimonial lawyers have a deep understanding of Connecticut laws governing the financial aspects of divorce.  We are also experienced in assisting high-net-worth clients with complicated financial lives.  Our matrimonial lawyers work closely with their clients to develop a comprehensive strategy to achieve the outcome that gets them closest to their goals.

Matrimonial attorneys also play a crucial role in negotiations and settlement discussions.  The best have the skills and expertise to communicate effectively with opposing counsel and negotiate on behalf of their clients.  Whether it’s negotiating a division of assets or alimony in line with your goals, Freed Marcroft’s matrimonial lawyers are adept at advocating for their client’s financial well-being.

With their knowledge, experience, and empathy, our matrimonial lawyers strive to help our clients achieve their goals for their fiscal future.

Read: How Lawyers Can Provide the Key for a Fresh Start

Read: When Should You Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

Understanding Prenuptial Agreements and Their Importance

Prenuptial agreements, or “prenups,” are legal contracts that couples enter into before marrying.  These agreements often outline how they will divorce assets and debts in the event of divorce or separation.  Don’t be distracted by notions that prenuptial agreements are unromantic or pessimistic.  In fact, they are an excellent opportunity to commit to taking care of each other even if your relationship ends.  And, prenups allow you to decide together how your future commitment to each other will look and work.

Prenuptial agreements are also helpful when a couple prefers to keep the resources each spouse brought into the marriage separate.  In addition, they are particularly valuable in cases where one or both parties have significant assets, own a business, or have children from a previous relationship.

It’s important to note that prenuptial agreements must meet certain legal requirements for a court to enforce them down the road.  Matrimonial lawyers play a crucial role in drafting these agreements to ensure they comply with applicable laws and accurately reflect their clients’ intentions.  At Freed Marcroft, we work closely with our clients to understand your financial goals and concerns, and then we draft a prenuptial agreement that addresses these specific needs.

Read: Prenups vs. Postnup

Read: Do Prenups Work?

Common Financial Aspects of Divorce

Divorce involves a wide range of financial considerations that spouses must address.  Matrimonial lawyers are well-versed in these financial aspects and can provide expert guidance to their clients.

Here are some of the critical financial matters that arise during a divorce:

Alimony: Types, Calculations, and Considerations

Alimony, also known as spousal support or maintenance, refers to the financial support one spouse may pay the other during or post-divorce.

Spousal support can run for different periods.  For example, alimony is often temporary, lasting for a defined number of months or years.  In rarer cases, the parties agree to, or the court awards, permanent or lifetime alimony.  This tends to be when the receiving spouse is unlikely to become self-supporting due to age, health, or limited earning capacity.

Connecticut courts tend to consider several factors when determining the amount of alimony.  These factors may include the length of the marriage, the spouses’ income and earning capacity and contributions to the marriage, and their standard of living during the marriage.  You want a matrimonial lawyer with a deep understanding of Connecticut’s alimony laws to help you best navigate the complexities of alimony calculations, negotiation, and hearings.

Read: Alimony: The Comprehensive Connecticut Guide

Read: Child Support vs. Alimony

Division of Assets and Property in Divorce

One of the most significant financial aspects of divorce is the division of assets and property.  In Connecticut, we consider all assets — whether you acquired them before or during the marriage –marital property potentially subject to division in a dissolution.  The exception is if there was a prenup in place that carved out pre-marital property.  The assets divided in divorce, for example, include real estate, investments, retirement accounts, businesses, and art.

Matrimonial lawyers are pivotal in helping their clients negotiate the intricate asset division process.  They work closely with clients to identify and value all marital assets and debts.  Depending on the circumstances, this may involve engaging the services of appraisers, forensic accountants, and other professionals to ensure an accurate asset valuation.  Freed Marcroft’s matrimonial attorneys help design and advocate for the property division structure to maximize your goals.

Read: Property Division: The Comprehensive Connecticut Guide

Read: 401K & Divorce

Child Support

When children are involved in a divorce, determining child support can become a significant financial consideration.  Child support is the financial obligation that parents have to support their children’s needs.  Connecticut child support is typically determined primarily based on the income of both parents and the number of children.  That said, other factors, including the children’s needs, can come into play.

Matrimonial lawyers play a crucial role in negotiating and advocating for their client’s interests when it comes to child support.

Read: Child Support vs. Alimony

Read: Child Support & Bonuses

The Role of Forensic Accountants in Divorce Cases

Matrimonial lawyers may collaborate with forensic accountants in complex divorce cases involving high-value assets, businesses, or suspected financial misconduct.  Forensic accountants specialize in analyzing financial data, uncovering hidden assets, and assessing the value of businesses or other complex financial holdings.

Forensic accountants play a crucial role in divorce cases by providing expert financial analysis and testimony.  They can help uncover hidden assets, trace funds, and assess the value of businesses or other assets.  This information is vital in teeing up settlement discussions or preparing for contested hearings.

Matrimonial lawyers work closely with forensic accountants to gather financial information and build a strong case for their clients.  By collaborating with these financial experts, matrimonial lawyers can provide comprehensive legal representation and protect their client’s financial interests.

Read: Business Valuation & Divorce 

Read: What if My Spouse Is Hiding Assets?

Alternative Dispute Resolution Methods in Divorce Cases

While television often portrays litigation as the only option in divorce cases, alternative dispute resolution methods offer a more amicable approach to resolving financial matters.  Mediation and collaborative divorce are two popular alternative dispute resolution methods that support couples in their goal of finding a mutually satisfactory settlement.

Mediation involves a neutral third party, the mediator, who facilitates discussions between the divorcing couple.  The mediator helps the couple identify their financial goals and guides them toward a fair and equitable settlement.  Then each spouse has their own lawyer review the agreement and give them legal advice.  Mediation allows couples to maintain control over the decision-making process and can often result in more creative and tailored solutions.

Collaborative divorce is another alternative dispute resolution method that emphasizes cooperation and collaboration.  Each party retains their own collaboratively trained lawyer, and all parties commit to resolving the issues without going to court.  The collaborative process involves a series of meetings where the couple, their lawyers, and other professionals work together to help the spouses reach a settlement that meets both their needs.

Alternative dispute resolution methods can be particularly beneficial regarding the financial aspects of divorce.  They offer a more cost-effective and less adversarial approach, allowing couples to maintain a more amicable relationship post-divorce.

When hiring a matrimonial attorney, inquire about the divorce law firm’s approach to alternative dispute resolution methods such as mediation or collaborative divorce.   Freed Marcroft’s team of dedicated divorce attorneys practice litigation, collaboration, and mediation.  ADR can help save time, money, and emotional stress, so it’s important to hire a law firm that embraces these options when appropriate.

Read: ADR & Divorce

Read: Collaboration or Mediation

Next Steps

Matrimonial lawyers play a crucial role in guiding individuals through the financial aspects of divorce.  From prenuptial agreements to alimony, property division, and child support, Freed Marcroft’s matrimonial lawyers have the expertise and experience to navigate the intricacies of divorce law.  We provide experienced guidance, support, and advocacy, helping you achieve an outcome that works for your future.

Please get in touch to discuss our working together.

Freed Marcroft LLC

Freed Marcroft LLC