What Should I Expect at My Initial Divorce Consultation?

The idea of an initial divorce consultation with a family law firm gives most people some degree of anxiety. Below we will explain what you can expect at your Goals & Planning Conference – that’s what we call our initial consultation – to help reduce your stress a little and get you mentally prepared. Having a sense of what to expect tends to make us feel better, and we hope that it makes you feel calmer too.
What Will We Discuss at My Initial Divorce Consultation?
Our first step is going to be all about your future. We are going to talk about what’s going on in your life right now, and together figure out what you want your life to look like instead.
Why Do You Call Your Initial Divorce Consultation the Goals & Planning Conference?
We named our initial divorce consultation the Goals & Planning Conference because — wait for it — our primary objective is to learn what’s going on right now that made you reach out to us, and then did deep and figure out your goals for the future so that we can make a plan to get you there.
Why Do You Need to Know My Goals?
The reason that we need to get really, really clear on your goals, and on what you want for you, is so that if we decide to work together your legal team is set up to design the legal strategy to get you there. In order words, we need to learn your goals at your initial divorce consultation so that we can make sure we have a legal plan that gets you on to living the life that you want to live. Not the life your ex wants to live, not the life that we want you to live, not even the life your mom wants you to live. The life that you want to live.
When Do I Ask My Legal Questions?
You will have an opportunity to ask any and all legal questions you have at your Strategy Session — that’s our very first meeting with you if we decide to work together. All of our answers will be specific to you, your situation, and your goals. Plus, we have lots of legal information that we are always adding to that gives you answers to the most common legal questions on both our Divorce and Family Law Blog and YouTube videos.
What Questions Should I Ask?
At your Strategy Session, you can ask and we will answer whatever legal questions are on your mind. Our divorce attorneys have a lot of experience helping people through this time, and helping you understand how divorce and family law work in Connecticut is part of our job.
What Should I Bring With Me or Have Prepared?
Some people jot down questions or thoughts that they have before the Strategy Session so that they don’t forget them. And, prior to your Strategy Session, we will send you a brief questionnaire to complete that will set you up for a great meeting.
What Else Happens at the Strategy Session?
We handpick your lead divorce lawyer based upon what we learn at your initial divorce consultation, and then we develop a legal strategy rooted in the goals and background you’ve shared with us. At the Strategy Session, you will review the legal options we have developed, and together with your legal team, solidify your strategy plan.
How Long Does a Divorce Consultation Take?
Our initial divorce consultation typically lasts about 30 to 45 minutes. What’s most important is that we invest the time we need to get clear on your goals, so sometimes it takes longer. Your first Strategy Session with your full legal team is generally longer — think more like 45 to 90 minutes.
Next Steps
Get on our calendar for your initial divorce consultation, or contact us here. Let’s make a plan together.