Freed Marcroft Raises Over $7,000 for ACLU in 1 Day on Heels Of Trump Immigration Executive Order
On Sunday, January 29, 2016, Freed Marcroft issued a statement and a matching challenge with respect to President Trump’s Executive Order on Immigration and Refugees.
“One of the practice areas of which we are most proud is our international divorce and custody practice. Through it, we have had the privilege to meet people of tremendous hope and patriotism. Many of them are people of considerable talent critical to Connecticut businesses.
As attorneys, we took an oath to support the Constitution, and practice according to the best of our learning and judgment, faithfully, to our clients and the court.
As our first action in support of the Constitution and our clients and their families who now find themselves the innocent targets of an unconstitutional Executive Order, we will match your contributions to either the ACLU ( or Immigration Equality ( up to $2,280, representing the filing fee for two permanent residency (green card) applications.
Please respond with your donation receipts.”
Thanks to Freed Marcroft friends and clients from Connecticut to Nevada to Great Britain, we are thrilled to announce that we raised over $7,000 in one day.
Thank you for your generosity.
Freed Marcroft’s attorneys guide select clients through the legal aspects of divorce and family law issues while remaining mindful of their overall wellness.
To discuss our helping with your situation, contact us today here.