Litigation means taking legal action through the court. In other words, divorce litigation is when spouses don’t agree to opt out of litigation and to opt in to one of the alternative dispute resolution methods — mediation or collaborative law. As litigation is the default approach for divorces, it’s no surprise that most divorces are litigated. What may be a surprise, though, is that people reach an out-of-court settlement agreement in the vast majority of divorce litigations.

In litigation, Freed Marcroft’s experienced divorce attorneys negotiate on your behalf to try to reach a reasonable settlement. When you and your spouse can’t agree, we are your vigorous advocate in court. For instance, we can negotiate, mediate, or collaborate to reach resolutions on some items, while heading to court to litigate others. Our overarching objective is to meet your specific goals. The attorneys at Freed Marcroft are both compassionate and skilled negotiators and assertive when needed, making them the ideal choice for litigation.

Issues Decided in Litigation

Divorce litigation attorneys in Connecticut help clients resolve various issues inside and outside of the courtroom, including:

High-Conflict Divorce Litigation

High-conflict divorces are similar to what you see on television. On TV, the two spouses can’t agree on anything and don’t speak to one another. Lawyers for both sides present evidence in front of the judge. The judge then makes the final decision. Freed Marcroft’s team of Connecticut attorneys are strong, experienced, and assertive; making us ideal for high-conflict divorce litigation cases. Your lawyer will advocate for you every step of the way, from the discovery process, to calling expert witnesses that might include mental health or financial professionals. Based on the degree of contention, these cases can take some time to resolve. When the judge issues his or her ruling, it is final. Even with high-conflict divorce litigation, Freed Marcroft might be able to negotiate some terms of the divorce outside of court.

Low-Conflict Divorce Litigation

Many believe that litigation and contentiousness go hand in hand. This cannot be farther from the truth. Many divorce litigations are low conflict and the spouses are respectful and cooperative, even when they have vastly different views. With the help of their lawyers, the two sides can work together to agree on issues during low-conflict divorce litigation. We have a variety of tools to help reach resolutions, including pre-trials and four-way meetings that include you, your spouse, and both attorneys. Oftentimes, both sides come to an agreement and going to court isn’t necessary. If you cannot reach an agreement, Freed Marcroft’s divorce litigation attorneys will litigate your case in front of a Connecticut judge, who will then decide the outcome.

Freed Marcroft LLC

Freed Marcroft LLC