As a parent, there is probably nothing more important to you than the relationship you have with your children. If you are going through divorce, you may be concerned about how a new custody or visitation arrangement will impact that relationship. This time of uncertainty and unease is understandably difficult to endure, and can be exacerbated if your ex-spouse is intent on causing conflict instead of working together to reach an amicable solution. Our dedicated family attorneys at Freed Marcroft are ready to step in and help you take control of the situation. We take the time to learn about your unique goals and family dynamic so that we can determine the best path forward. At our firm, you are never just another case file. Call our compassionate New Haven custody lawyers today to learn more about our personalized legal services and schedule your consultation.

How Is Custody Determined?

The state of Connecticut is not a 50/50 custody state. This means that custody arrangements must either be agreed upon by both parents if it is uncontested, or ruled on by a judge if it is contested.

Uncontested custody and visitation arrangements are reached through negotiation in a litigated divorce, or through litigation alternatives like mediation and collaborative divorce. If you and your ex-spouse are willing and able to set aside your differences and work together to reach a satisfactory resolution, mediation is a productive route as it allows you to stay out of court, protect your privacy, and save time and money.

If mediation or collaboration are not viable options and the parents cannot come to an agreement, a court will have to step in and make a judgment. Some factors that are considered before the final decision are:

  • The needs of the child
  • The relationships the child has
  • The living situation of the child
  • The health of all parties involved
  • Instances of domestic violence, abuse, or neglect

Our New Haven custody lawyers have helped clients in both contested and uncontested cases of varying levels of complexity reach successful outcomes, and can do the same for you.

What Is The Difference Between Physical And Legal Custody?

Connecticut recognizes two types of custody: physical and legal. Legal custody refers to the parent or parents who have the ability to make major decisions for their children in all major areas that impact their upbringing, such as education, healthcare, and religion. Physical custody refers to the child’s living situation and the time period in which they live there. Though possible to obtain sole legal custody of a child, the journey may be challenging to pursue as you must have significant evidence to support your reasoning. If you are awarded sole custody, however, you would not need to consult your child’s other parent when making major decisions for them.

Can Custody Arrangements Be Changed Later?

As both your life and the lives of your children change and evolve, it may become apparent that the current arrangements may not be suitable any longer. Custody or visitation arrangements may be changed if either parent files a Motion to Modify in an effort to seek additional parenting time, to relocate, or to more closely align with work or school schedules. However, the court must agree that the changes are in the best interests of your children. Our New Haven custody lawyers can help craft the strategy that has the best chance of achieving your modification goals.

Trust Our New Haven Custody Lawyers To Seek Solutions Of The Greatest Benefit To Your Children

At Freed Marcroft, our attorneys have over 70 years of combined legal experience, and are passionate about helping clients resolve family law matters with dignity. We will assist you in negotiation or collaboration when possible, but are ready to aggressively defend your interests if necessary. Call today to schedule your consultation and learn how we can help you achieve the future you envision for yourself and your family.

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