Freed Marcroft Adds Collaborative Divorce Leader Attorney Lisa Cappalli, Expands to New Haven County

Freed Marcroft is pleased to announce the firm’s physical expansion into New Haven County. We are even more pleased to announce that Attorney Lisa J. Cappalli is joining us as Of Counsel on February 1, 2017.
Since the early 90s, Attorney Cappalli has employed her considerable skill, patience and calm demeanor to help hundreds of couples divorce with dignity through mediation. Attorney Cappalli was also among the earliest and is one of the most experienced collaborative divorce lawyers in Connecticut. Since 2001, she has helped countless clients divorce respectfully, privately, and creatively through the collaborative process.
“I am thrilled and honored to be taking on my latest professional challenge, and am excited to become part of such a dynamic, talented, strong, and compassionate team of lawyers,” Attorney Cappalli writes. “I sincerely appreciate the Freed Marcroft commitment to my New Haven county client base by maintaining my Cheshire office and staff.”
We are proud to offer Attorney Cappalli’s experience and knowledge to our all of our clients, and to expand our Connecticut footprint.
Read: What Is a Collaborative Divorce?
Read: What Is a Mediation Divorce in Connecticut?
Freed Marcroft’s attorneys guide select clients through the legal aspects of divorce and family law issues while remaining mindful of their overall wellness.
To discuss our helping with your situation, contact us today here.